



During a couple of years I have collected quotes and clever words whenever they passed my sight.

It is interesting to see how some people can express thousands of words by only using a few...



Time is natures way of ensuring that everything does not happen at once

Det er ikke vigtigt hvad du gør men hvem du gør det med
Small doors will often open up into big rooms
Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid
Det vigtigste er ikke at finde en du kan leve med men at finde en du ikke kan leve uden
Success is to achieve your goals - happiness is to enjoy what you have achieved
Elsk mig mest når jeg mindst fortjener det for da behøver jeg det mest

Alting skal gøres så simpelt som muligt - men så hellere ikke simplere (Albert Einstein)

Kærlighed og glæde er det eneste du får mere af når du giver det bort

Hvis du altid får det du ønsker dig lærer du aldrig at ønske dig det du får

Ungdom gør dig ikke kærlig men kærlighed gør dig ung

Personatlity is to love yourself - love is to love someone else

If one day...

If one day you feel like crying, then call me...
I do not promise that I will make you laugh, but I can cry with you

If one day you want to run away, then call me...
I do not promise that I can make you stay, but I can run away with you

If one day you get tired of listening to other people, then call me...
I do not promise that I can make them stop, but I will be quiet with you

If one day you call me and I do not answer...
Then come fast to see me, I might need you !

Brug ikke dagen på at se dig tilbage - du skal alligevel ikke den vej

Lev med de beslutninger du tager - også selvom de ikke altid er de bedste

Livet er som en bog - du kan ikke ændre det der allerede er skrevet, men du kan altid starte på et nyt kapitel

Skattelettelser er ikke noget man giver til folk

Det er folks egne penge som man tager lidt mindre af

You can close your eyes to the things that you don't want to see

But you can't close your heart to the things that you do not want to feel

Some people are so poor that all they have is money
Anger is a condition in which your tongue works faster than your mind









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The national bird of Denmark

Steen Pipper